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Join us after your afternoon nap. This lap-sit program is for infants ages birth to 12 months. We will explore music and movement, book sharing, and nursery rhymes all in a relaxed atmosphere.
Did you know your baby’s brain has achieved 75% of its adult weight and volume by age 2? Make sure to take home books after storytime. We recommend for the first five or six months of your child’s life, choose books with bright primary colors and books with definite contrasts between dark and light to help a baby’s developing vision.
Around 12 months try lift the flap books and play peekaboo rhymes. Your child is beginning to understand “object permanence”—the idea that things still exist when he or she can’t see them. These books and games are sure ways to enjoy your child's laugh and giggle!
This program is one of the many ways Pennsylvania Public Libraries support the PA Forward Initiative through providing basic literacy opportunities for learning.
Babies and their caregivers. Birth to 12 months.
Visit the library from 3:00-3:45.