
Ice Treasures

Make Beautiful frozen treasures!

By Nicole Hickoff-Publisher Macaroni KID Williamsport November 30, 2022

Looking for a fun activity to do with your kiddos?  Try making some ice treasures or ice gems!  This is a simple activity that doesn't require a whole lot of materials.  No fancy materials to buy or craft items to find.  All you need are these simple materials.  


  • Water (boiled for best results)
  • ice cube tray, shaped ice molds, muffin tin, bunt pan, or plastic container (anything that can be placed in the freezer)
  • Food Coloring (optional)
  • Nature Treasure (optional)
  • Salt or dish soap


  1. If boiling water, boil your water and let cool completely. 
  2. Carefully, pour the water into your containers (molds, tins, containers).
  3. If wanting to make colorful ice treasures, add in the food coloring (be generous with the amount you use). Mix the water and the color together.  Adding a bit of salt or dish soap will help the color stay even throughout.  
  4. Add in nature treasures (pine needles, berries, acorns, etc.).  
  5. Place in your freezer for at least 12 hours.  Leaving in for 24 hours will ensure they are completely frozen.
  6.  Remove from the freezer and let your kids explore.  They can use a magnifying glass to take a close look. 
  7. Another idea is to hide your treasures outside and have your kids discover them.  Once they discover them, they can explore them using their senses.  


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