
Sprout Organic Baby Food Keeps It Real

Photo Credit: Bellavie Photography

By By Kristina Rogers, Editor and Publisher of Williamsport Macaroni Kid March 6, 2017

Let's find out what Sprout is all about! Williamsport Macaroni Kid had the pleasure of sharing Sprout organic baby foods with local moms and babies at our recent baby brunch. What the moms loved about Sprout is their use of all natural ingredients. We know moms are picky about what they will feed their little ones and Sprout makes it easy for moms to see that they offer great nutritional products. Sprout prepares their blends with ingredients you'd find in your own kitchen: whole fruits, vegetables, and grains without the need for fillers, additives, thickeners, or preservatives. Then they package it in easy to use and carry pouches, snack packs, and canisters. Their pouches now even come with clear packaging so you literally can see what you are buying. You can also double check the listed ingredients to see they match the flavors shown on the front. 

Sprout makes a variety of baby food products including pouches and toddler snacks. Their Stage 1 purees are for babies starting solids, including flavors like mango, sweet potato, and prunes. Stage 2 purees to help introduce babies to more complex flavors and combinations including apple sweet potato; carrot, apple, mango; and banana plum blueberry quinoa. Heartier Stage 3 purees like creamy vegetables with chicken, help satisfy the growing appetites of older babies. They also have a great selection of finger foods that your toddler will love which include crispy chews, quinoa puffs, and curlz. Both moms and babies loved trying out the Sprout samples at our baby brunch. 

You can find more information about all of these Sprout products online at their website You will also find great coupons on their website to use when you purchase your Sprout products.